Unfortunate mistakes can be made by anyone, even if he already has a lot of experience in his profession. However, it is important that these mistakes are not repeated, this is what distinguishes a real pro from an amateur.
This problem applies not only to salespeople. They are often compared to gamblers. In trading, as well as in gambling is of great importance is a flair. For example, to win in the Plinko Game at random is not so easy. Honest slot machines are built on a random number generator, and therefore the advantage goes to the one who knows how to enter the real betting mode at the right time.
Below are the typical mistakes of novice sellers. Analyzing these factors will be useful for future Australian online casino customers as well. Only proper analysis helps you to earn and take the jackpot.
Spending commission before the deal is fully closed
The client said “Yes”, and now, the satisfied salesman is counting how much commission he will get and is already starting to think about what car to buy and what else he can do with the received commission. And okay, if he just thinks about it, it’s not a big deal, but when he goes and makes the first installment, it’s worse.
This behavior can also be company-wide, when in anticipation of a big commission, management starts spending extra money.
The thing is, until the money is in the account, until the client has signed all the closing documents, the deal is not closed yet. And there’s always the possibility of that deal falling through.
The salesperson thinks the meeting went well because the client liked him or her
The meeting may have actually gone very positively. The client was happy and expressed his liking for the salesperson (in a good way). But a friendly relationship does not mean that the customer will buy the product or service. He may have liked the salesperson, his personal qualities, but he did not understand at all what exactly the salesperson offers him and does not really intend to close the deal.
The seller doesn’t provide all the closing documents
Great, the client has agreed to sign the deal. And then comes the long-awaited moment, and it turns out that the seller has not brought and provided all the necessary documents to close the deal. Many clients in this situation may jump the gun and think that in fact, the seller and his company are not qualified.
Excessive talkativeness
There is a meeting and the salesperson suddenly starts talking about other deals, and starts revealing all the details: names, dates, prices, number of sales. A normal client will be scared off by this, because he will immediately wonder if the salesperson will then tell everyone about him. Therefore, the seller must clearly know what details can be said, and about which details it is better to keep silent.
Lack of punctuality
This is the killer of any business. No customer likes it when a salesperson is late for a meeting. Therefore, the seller should always carefully calculate the time, and with a reserve, because there can always be unforeseen events. If the salesperson sees in advance that he or she will not be on time for the meeting, it is better to contact the customer as early as possible, explain the situation and try to reschedule the meeting.
Failure to recognise your mistakes
People in general do not like to admit their mistakes. You can always say that the customer is crazy, that the traffic jam is to blame and so on. Of course, these will often be external circumstances. But when a person himself is to blame, he must admit his mistakes, at least to himself. This is the only way he will be able to correct them next time.
Excessive use of technology in presentations
Imagine yourself in the following situation: you are going to present your work to a very large potential client. And the moment you switch on your laptop, you suddenly see that it doesn’t work. What would you do in such a situation?
Don’t let a failure in technology come between you and the client, always be able to communicate your idea even a regular one on a napkin.
Sales after sales
This is a common situation, the client has already agreed to the deal, but the salesperson can’t stop, and instead of moving on to signing documents, inertia continues to sell. As soon as the client agrees to the deal, stop the presentation and move on to closing the deal.
Denial of the word “No”
Many persist in trying to sell even when the client firmly says “No.” Many salespeople in doing so think they can succeed because of their persistence and firmly believe they can sell to anyone.
In reality, you need to be able to see that the customer has no intention of making a purchase. If you persist at this point, it will not only fail to close the current deal, but will ruin any future relationship.