A payday loan is a loan you can take out before your monthly payday to cover for any unexpected expenses. If you suddenly have to shell out for, say, a hospital bill and can’t wait for your salary, a payday loan may come in handy. This loan is short-term, and if you go to a money lender in Singapore, you often need to repay them by your next payday.
Because they are short-term, payday loans usually have higher interest rates than other types of loans. That means you need to maximize your loan down to the last dollar. Follow these four tips to make the most out of your payday loan.
Keep the money in a different place
Separate your payday loan money from your other stores of cash. Put the money in a separate envelope, wallet, or box if you receive it in cash. If your money lender sends it via bank transfer, use a different account, not your main bank account. If you don;t have another bank account, withdraw it and separate it. That way, you can avoid cross-spending the payday loan money with others.
Create a budget and stick to it
Designate every dollar of your payday loan to the things you intend to pay off. It could be medical expenses, groceries for the next few days, or family expenses. Do not use the money for anything else. This is the best way to avoid overspending and running out of money too early.
Resist the temptation to spend your loan money on anything other than what you have budgeted. You can maximise your payday loan if you control where the money goes. This way, you may not have to take out any payday loans at all in the future.
Cut down on unneeded expenses
Use your payday loan money only for the purposes you planned on before taking out the loan. This makes it easier to keep track of how much is left. Also, keeping the loan money separate can make repayment less daunting.
Unnecessary expenses may be the biggest reason why you often run out of money. So if you’re using a payday loan to cover your needs, make sure to take a detailed look at what you spend your money on.
If, say, you have a subscription to a streaming service you rarely use, cancel it right away. If you have a gym membership but don’t go to the gym frequently, cancel it too. If you have a knack for name-brand household products, switch to more affordable alternatives for now. And if you have an additional credit card you don’t need, cancel that card immediately.
Once you shave off all these unnecessary expenses, you’ll be surprised at how much you will be saving.
Repay your loan on time and in full each month
This rule does not apply just to payday loans, but to any form of credit. Pay your monthly dues on time and in full every single month. This way, you will incur only the smallest amount of interest on your loan.
Paying partial amounts, or worse, missing payments, will result in higher interest charges. Some lenders even impose late payment fees, adding to your financial burden. Avoid these by paying on time and in full as much as you can.
Payday loans may have higher than normal interest rates, but it doesn’t mean you can’t use the money wisely. By following the tips outlined here, you can make the most out of the money you get from a payday loan.
And by being wise with this money, you may no longer have to take out more payday loans in the future.